Как организовать собственную доменную зону (windows)

Для организации собственных доменных зон первого уровня в windows стоит использовать deadwood+maradns. За ссылками в гугль.
Первый - это кеширующий dns, который позволяет добавлять кастомные рут-сервера для определенных зон. А второй - нерекурсивный днс для организации сервера кастомной зоны.

Примеры конфигов:


# Lines with a '#' at the beginning are comments ignored by Deadwood's # text file parser. # If you wish to use this program to cache from other recursive servers # instead of doing its own recursion, uncomment the following lines # # Please note that each upstream_servers entry takes up space in Deadwood's # cache and that maximum_cache_elements will need to be increased to store # a large number of these entries. upstream_servers = {} upstream_servers["."]=",," # Servers we connect to # It is also possible to use other root servers or to blacklist # a phising website. However, to do this, root_servers needs to be # defined. For example, to blacklist the domain "phish.example.com": #root_servers = {} # ICANN DNS root servers (Deadwood default if both root_servers and # upstream_servers are not defined) #root_servers["."]=",,,, " #root_servers["."]+=",,,, " #root_servers["."]+=",,,, " #root_servers["."]+="" #root_servers["phish.example.com."]="" # Please note that each root_servers entry takes up space in Deadwood's # cache and that maximum_cache_elements will need to be increased to store # a large number of these entries. # The IP this program has bind_address="" # The IPs allowed to connect and use the cache recursive_acl = "" # The file containing a hard-to-guess secret random_seed_file = "secret.txt" # This is the file Deadwood uses to read the cache to and from disk cache_file = "dw_cache_bin" # This is a list of IPs that, if we get them in a DNS reply, we convert # the reply in to a "not there" answer. #ip_blacklist = "," # By default, for security reasons, Deadwood does not allow IPs in the # 192.168.x.x, 172.[16-31].x.x, 10.x.x.x, 127.x.x.x, 169.254.x.x, # 224.x.x.x, or 0.0.x.x range. If using Deadwood to resolve names # on an internal network, uncomment the following line: filter_rfc1918 = 0 root_servers = {} # our custom zone .some - root server root_servers["some."]="" #root_servers["example.com."]=""


ipv4_bind_addresses = "" #ipv4_bind_addresses = "" timestamp_type = 2 random_seed_file = "secret.txt" hide_disclaimer = "YES" chroot_dir = "C:/soft/maradns" csv2 = {} # our custom zone .some csv2["some."] = "db.some" csv2["example.com."] = "db.example.com"



Осталось только выбрать поднятый сервер в качестве основного днс в системе

ping www.some

Категории: HowTo